Friday, January 21, 2011

Made It: Sweet Vidalia Onion Salad Dressing

This salad dressing is delicious and nice for Charlie to eat on things because it isn't too tangy.  Generally, the really acidic foods will make his face red and irritated (because what toddler can eat anything without getting it all over his face?)  and this dressing doesn't have that effect.  Also, it has a lovely onion flavour without being too overbearing.  However, I've only seen it sold at Costco, which would mean a) buying a gigantic bottle and b) braving that crazy store*.

In addition, it seems kind of silly to be buying salad dressing pre-made when it is so easy to make yourself.  You know, the weird ingredients issue...

So here it is:

1 sweet onion, coarsely chopped  (or 1/2)
1 cup oil
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1 tsp. celery seed
2 tsp. dijon mustard
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. tarragon

Basically, all you do is blend all the ingredients together in a blender or food processor.  If the onion flavour is a tad too strong you can either add less onion next time (duh) or cook the dressing down a bit.  I've done both.  And here you can see my salad dressing posing next to the pickle embroidery that I picked up at the thrift store.  In a set of 4.  Dave is embarrassed to have them hanging in our kitchen, but I enjoy their ugliness.

* Have you ever BEEN to Costco?  It's dangerous!  My bro says the key to shopping there without blowing your entire paycheck is to imagine that everything you buy is $20.  Either that, or don't get a cart.  Then you can only get like... 2 things.

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