Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Laundry Powder - How we do

We just ran out of our trusty laundry powder, so this week I decided to try a different soap to go with it.  Mostly because Dr. Bronner's is so expensive.  And we usually use Val's for our bodies*, so why should we use the fancy stuff for just washing our clothes?!  On the plus side, this Val's batch of soap was really crumbly, so instead of grating in little flakes, it pretty much turned into powder right away, which I feel like must be better for the wash.

* Except for when we are using the beautiful batch of soap my brother's girlfriend made for us.  It's so nice!


  1. If you tire of your homemade soap, I've been using powdered Country Save. I bought a big box for $7 at London Drugs and am on month 3 already. Very bare-bones stuff, no "extras" in it, great for cloth dipes, etc. Perhaps this could help you out sometime too :)


  2. Thanks Lisa, great tip! Perhaps once I run out of the ingredients I'll give that one a try. Shaving the soap can be tiring... ;)
